How To Prevent Cold And Flu Thanks To Mucinex

You can catch a cold or flu any time of the year, but they seem as common as sweaters during the cooler months. While you can’t always avoid getting sick, you can take steps to lower your odds.  


Hand washing is such a powerful tool against germs that the CDC compared it to a “do-it-yourself vaccine.” Wash regularly with soap and water for about 20 seconds — especially when handling food, caring for someone sick, or after using the restroom.


Cold and flu bugs are contagious and easily passed through the air. That’s why anyone with flu symptoms should stay home (except for necessities) for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone.


The CDC recommends getting a yearly flu vaccine as the most important way to protect yourself from flu viruses. Ideally, everyone six months and older should get one — especially if you’re high-risk for flu complications.

Even after you’ve come down with a cold or flu, you can take measures to manage your symptoms and feel better.

  • Wash your hands well and keep a distance from others to help prevent the spread of your illness.
  • Get plenty of rest. Do your best to sleep enough and take whatever time off you need from work and other obligations.
  • OTC cold and flu medicine can help ease your symptoms as you recover. To control your symptoms at night to help you get to sleep, take Mucinex® Nightshift Cold & Flu. For chest congestion only, take Mucinex® Extended-Release Tablets, which last for up to 12 hours.

To shop Mucinex: here!

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